Focus article on our study published in the same issue of JCB by Ben Short
Martin E., Ouellette M.-H. and Jenna S., JCB-2016
Our new study just got accepted for publication by Journal of cell biology
Sarah is happy to announce the incorporation of her first company in artificial intelligence and genomics called: My Intelligent Machines (MIMs) co-founded with Mickael Camus (CEO of Mimetics labs) and Abdoulaye Banire Diallo (dep. computer sciences, UQAM)
Barbara and Sarah are presenting at the Gordon conference on cell polarity in development, Division and Disease at Mount Snow, Vermont
Sarah is presenting our recent findings plasticity of epidermal morphogenic programs at the CHU of U. Laval
Emmanuel is writing in PhD thesis and moving very soon for a post-doc in France where he will apply his expertise in microscopy to study epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila. Happy for you Manu! http://cbi-toulouse.fr/eng/equipe-suzanne
Emmanuel is presenting his later research at the 8th Canadian developmental biology conference at Banff